C-N-P concept; working principle

The C-N-P Concept consist of high-grade chemicals that create a perfect balance between the different processes in a water treatment plant - biologically, physically, chemically and technically.

As a result, the total running costs decrease, while on the other hand the output values of C, N and P are reduced significantly and the total process is running more stable and without problems.

Basically bacteria remove the harmful substances. The Pro-Entec chemicals create better "working conditions" for the bacteria, so that they perform better.

Usually the incoming load at a water treatment plant is not constant. When the load is low (which means little nutrition), the bacteria cannibalize and eat themselves. When the incoming load increases, there are too little bacteria to remove the harmful substances effectively.

One of the effects of Pro- Entec is that it prevents the cannibalism, therefor also at changing conditions you will always have the best possible output values.

A second effect is that you will see a tendency to long living bacteria species. These use their nutrition mainly for their own preservation instead of multiplication, which is the case at the short living species. Thus this type of bacteria give a better removal (and so lower rest percentages) of the harmful substances. Because the bacteria live longer and less of them die, there will also be less rest-sludge, so that treatment costs (dewatering, disposal etc.) go down.

Controlled oxidationAnother characteristic of the C-N-P Concept is the controlled oxidation. When the oxygen level is too high, most of the bacteria will be short living species. When using the Pro-Entec chemicals it is better to maintain a lower oxygen level. Especially the oxygen production is one of the most expensive parts of a sewage treatment plant (energy consumption of the compressors).

A further effect of the C-N-P Concept is that the bacteria will richer of carbon compounds, this leads to a higher Methane production and therefor also a higher energy regaining.